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This sound utility plays the most common sound file formats found on Macintosh computers and the Internet including: AIFF, Windows WAVE, and u-law, as well as quite a number of others. One of its nicest features, especially when it is used as a helper application, it that it can be configured to automatically quit after playing a sound. This makes it a rather transparent application seamlessly integrating itself into your workstation. SoundApp is also (slightly) AppleScriptable which opens up other possibilities. Last, SoundApp can convert the sounds it reads into a number of other formats making it a useful tool for people distributing sounds to others on the Internet. Unfortunately, SoundApp provides no looping feature enabling you to play a sound over and over again. Also, it does not include the ability to record sounds.

MIME type: audio/basic
Filename extensions: .au or .snd

MIME type: audio/aiff
Filename extensions: .aif or .aiff

MIME type: audio/x-aiff
Filename extensions: .aif or .aiff

MIME type: audio/x-quicktime
Filename extensions: .qt, .mov, or .moov

MIME type: audio/basic
Filename extensions: .au or .snd

MIME type: audio/x-wav
Filename extensions: .wav

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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.